Light In Darkness

Isaiah 9:6

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.



Light In Darkness

(Isaiah 9)



            A.  The charge God gave to Isaiah was to speak words that sounded harsh.  They spoke about a time of darkness, a power that would be greater than Israel.  The ending of Isaiah 8 is sad.  He speaks about great distress and hunger.  He ends by saying, “They will be thrust into thick darkness.”

            B.  Some know the pit of emotional darkness.  Some have walked in the valley of the shadow of death and felt the loneliness it brings.  Darkness is often used to symbolize evil or sin where light is used to speak about God or goodness.

            C.  Most people have had dark days in their life.  Some have experienced dark times in their walk.  It’s not that they have lost their way or given up on their faith; but sometimes we face a spiritual darkness that feels like God is not surrounding us. 

            D.  Isaiah has a difficult message to take to the people, but in the midst of it we come to Chapter 9.  I want to read several verses together so that you see that his lesson is about the light that shines in darkness.  READ Is. 8:22-9:2.


I.  God’s Answer To Darkness

            A.  The Assyrian empire had begun to conquer Israel.  The people of Israel were reaping the sorrow of their sin.  The people of Judah were not far behind.  But even though Israel has sinned and even though they would fall into captivity, all was not lost.  There was a light that would shine in the darkness.  There was hope that was help the hopeless.

            B.  We cannot imagine what life will be like 700 years from.  We have no idea what the USA will in the 2821.  Star Trek fans might know, but most of us don’t.  To say that a light will shine in darkness, but that light was didn’t come for 700 years seems strange to us.  Why would Isaiah write about Jesus when he was so far away in time?  Maybe, it’s because a thousand years is a day with God.  Time is irrelevant.

            C.  It all happened outside the town of Bethlehem.  My guess is, it was a night like most other nights for the shepherd with their sheep.  May it was silent night, for sure it was a holy night.  What I know is an angel of the Lord appeared and the glory of the Lord shone around them and those shepherds were afraid.  But the angel came bring good news for all the people that a Savior was born that day, Christ the Lord!  I know a heavenly host filled praise around them.

            D.  John would open his gospel message with these words (READ John 1:5).  Listen to part of what John reminds us in his letters (READ 1 John 1:7).  Jesus himself makes a bold statement recorded in John 8:12.

            E.  Isiah tried to get the kings of Israel and Judah to repent.  He would cry out to the people what was going to happen, for they walked in darkness, but a time was coming when light would dispel darkness.  A time was coming there would be a king, a King of kings, a Lord of Lord.  Listen to Isaiah 9:6-7


II.  To Us A Child Is Born

            A.  Let’s spend a little time reflecting upon verse 6.  It opens with “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.”  I know this is not Christmas time according to our calendar, but the birth of Jesus was both wondrous and exciting.  For Mary to be told she would bear a child because of the Holy Spirit and not a human man was wondrous.  After hearing what Isaiah wrote hear what Gabriel says to Mary (READ Luke 1:31-33).  Can I just get a “wow” or an “Amen!”?

            B.  If you are under 20 and your parents were here when you were born, I just want to tell you, your birth was very special to your parents.  For many of you, I was either at the hospital when soon after you were born or in your home.  I probably held many of you in my arms and prayed over you.  I read scripture with your parents about how Jesus loves children.  I look out today and see you kids growing up and know that if you will walk with Jesus He wants to use you in his kingdom for his glory.  Mary must have been overwhelmed to hear that her child was the Messiah.

            C.  Isaiah tells the people that this child is a special child.  For the government will be upon his shoulder.  Peace will have no end and the throne of David belongs to him.  The son would grow up change the world. 

            D.  There have been a few great and powerful men by whom parts of the world have been changed for centuries, but Jesus changed not just a part of the world, but all the world.  Christianity is not a land-based kingdom, but a spiritual kingdom where he reigns in the hearts and lives of his people.  Jesus reigns, not just in heaven above, but in you and me.  His kingdom was just found in book of Acts but is alive today, because Jesus is alive today.  In the middle of message of doom and gloom, Isaiah says to the faithful of Israel, “A light has dawned, and a king is coming.”


III.  Name Above All Names

            A.  Joseph was told in a vision that the child in Mary was of the Holy Spirit and that he would be called, Immanuel, which means, God with us.  They could call him, Jesus, which means “to save.”  Isaiah tells us that this child will be called, “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.”  There is not a single adjective that could describe Jesus.  Paul writes in Phil. 2:9-11.

            B.  The very name of Jesus is powerful.  When you pray and you say, “In the NAME of Jesus, Amen” do you appreciate what you just said?  Many times we say it like “good bye, nice talking to you.”  But we are invoking power. We are setting up spiritual warfare when we pray.  And we know that the King of kings is bringing peace and light where they had been only chaos and darkness.  Isaiah says his name is above all names. 

            C.  Alexander the Great, the Caesars, Charlemagne and others may have founded empires, but the poor boy born in a manger in a no-nothing town founded a kingdom that will never end.



            A.  On one occasion when Peter and John went to the temple they met a lame beggar.  Not having silver or gold they offered something more.  Peter said to the man, “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”  And he did.

            B.  That power in the name of Jesus was seen with awe.  Peter and John were brought before the same council that authorized the killing of Jesus.  They were questioned, “By what power or by what name did you do this?”  Listen to the answer they gave (READ Acts 4:10-12)

            C.  I stand before you this day with the same message.  A message that was given by Isaiah 700 years before Jesus was born; a message that was given by the apostles a short time after Jesus ascended back into heaven; Jesus is the only name that can save you. 

            D.  “A wonderful savior is Jesus my Lord, a wonderful savior to me.  He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock where rivers of pleasure I see.”  The last verse says, “When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise to meet Him in clouds of the sky.  His perfect salvation, his wonderful love. I’ll shout with the millions on high.”

            E.  May the greatness of Jesus lead you from this building and through this week as we stand and sing.


Because of Jesus,

Jeffrey Dillinger, minister