Terrific Teens

**NOTE: We continue to have issues with our microphones. You may want to turn on CC if you watch the video.

1 Sam 16:6-7

6 When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, "Surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord." 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." NIV

Terrific Teens

 (1 Sam. 16:6-13)



            A.  This church is blessed with children of all ages.  For the last two weeks we have centered upon young children, and teens who serve the church.  Today, I want look at two stories of young people in the Bible and see what lessons we can learn from some terrific teens.

            B.  Everyone admits how difficult it is in our society today.  Emotions are high and Christ-like actions are few.  Many of us adults have made statements like, “I wouldn’t want to trade places with my kids.  I hurt for them and have fear about the world they are growing up in.”  This morning, I want all of you to take heart, because Jesus has overcome the world.  To show you the power of God at work in Christian homes, I want you to hear from three of our teens who have remained strong in their faith.


I.  Interview of Teens

            A.  I want to just talk to each of you for a moment and then as a general question for all of you to answer.  But first, I want to start with Luke, then Tamar then Sadie and ask each of you to give me your age and grace in school, then share with me what you like about coming to this church? 

            B.  Now, for all of you (just pass the mic around).  Adults often talk about how this world seems more accepting of sinful actions than when we are teens.  Tell me what it’s like trying to keep your Christian faith at school, work or just in life in general. 

            C.  Is there anything you would like us adults to do or the church to provide that would be helpful to your faith?


II.  The Most Famous Teen Story

            A.  When kids are growing up, even little kids, hear a story that really should be frightening to little kids.  But I want to back up and tell you about this teen before I tell you his story.

            B.  The first king of Israel really messed up in the eyes of God, and God had chosen someone with a different heart.  A man after His own heart.  But since King Saul was still on the throne, it was a little tricky anointing someone else.  God sends the prophet Samuel to house of Jesse in Bethlehem and tells him that there he will find among his son the one to anoint.  When Samuel sees the oldest boy, he sees the king.  Just listen (READ 1 Sam. 16:6).  But God had a different person in mind (READ 1 Sam. 16:7). 

            C.  After seeing what he thought was all the boys, God had rejected each one.  So Samuel asks if there are any more.  When young David came in, Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him, and the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David.

            D.  When war came upon Israel, King Saul took the fighting men and camped on one side of a valley while the Philistines camped on the other.  Each day a giant named Goliath would come and taunt the army of Israel and shout to them, “I defy the ranks of Israel.  Give me a man that we may fight!”  But no one, not even King Saul would face this giant.

            E.  That’s where our first teen steps in.  David is sent by his father to take some provisions for his bothers and he sees and hears Goliath.  When David is taken to see King Saul he says (READ 1 Sam. 17:32-33).  When David meets Goliath on the battle field with nothing more than staff and sling with five stones in his pouch, Goliath laughs, but David speaks up (READ 1 Sam. 17:45).  David tells Goliath exactly what will happen and then as the battle started, David took a stone, put it in the sling and killed Goliath. 

            F.  When we look at the story of David, I don’t see a boy and giant, I see a young man who knows that God’s name is always to be honored.  He is a young man of great faith.  While David was far from perfect in the rest of his life, his love for God and faith in God would stay with him to the end.

            G.  How many of us overthink what is happening and forget that God will lead us if we will simply follow him.  I want the faith of a teenage boy named David and heart that God sees.


III.  The Most Famous Teenage Queen

            A.  The Bible doesn’t tell the age of Hadassah, but does share with us some things about.  Many scholars put her age around 15-17 when we meet her.  But the truth is, all we know is she was young and never married.  In that day, teenage girls were often brides, so we suspect that she was a teenager. 

            B.  Her story is sad in many ways.  She was taken captive when Judah fell into exile.  Her parents were probably killed and her uncle was raising her.  When the queen of the country angered the king he banished her and soon after the king went looking for a new queen among the virgins.  Even the way she was chosen is sad.  But chosen she was.  She became queen we know her as Esther.

            C.  When a plot is made know to Mordecai, he turns to Esther to save the Jews.  Asking her to go to the king for help, but that could come at a cost.  Even as queen she couldn’t just go in and talk to the king, she had to be summoned.  But Mordecai asked her to ponder one question, “Who knows whether you have not come into the kingdom for such a time as this?”  

            D.  We know that the Jews were not killed and the one who made the plot was killed.  But here is what I want us to consider.  This teenage girl, who had already lost her parents, has to decide if she is willing to risk her life for others.  With that, Esther enters a three day fast and decides she will try to save her people, even if it costs her life. (READ Vs 16) Like David, Esther would face her own emotional giant and she came out victorious.



            A.  We so often speak about how difficult teens are.  And I am sure even our own teens would admit they can be a handful at home on more than one occasion.  But look at the faith of our young people.  See the depth of love they have for Jesus and encourage them to week walking with the Lord.

            B.  At the beginning of worship we read this passage (READ 1 Tim. 4:12-13).  Let me say to you teens, don’t let anyone look down on you simply because of your age.  You bring so much to this church and we applaud your faith.

Because of Him,

Jeffrey Dillinger