The Unashamed

8 So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, 9 who has saved us and called us to a holy life — not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 10 but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. 11 And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. 12 That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.

~ 2 Tim 1:8-12, NIV

The Unashamed

 (2 Tim. 1:8-12)



            A.  Discipleship.  It is more than a catch word or religious jargon.  It is deeper than simply saying, “I am a Christian and I love Jesus.”  It is a word that directs my life, a lens from which I seek to see people and the world.  Discipleship is not for the timid and it may be that we as comfortable Christians have softened its meaning.

            B.  Listen to some words from Jesus about discipleship.  READ Mark 8:34-38.  Jesus makes it clear, that discipleship comes with a cost.  Jesus said, “Take up [your] cross and follow me.”  It is part of the bigger question of what is your soul worth to you.  So Jesus called them to “not be ashamed of me and my words” because if I am, Jesus will be ashamed of me on Judgement Day.

            C.  Ashamed.  The word is negative.  It is the feeling of guilt or shame because of our actions.  It is being reluctant to do something because a fear of being embarrassed or humiliated. 

            D.  I find the idea of being ashamed as rooted in fear.  I fear the threats of the world, the threats of family and friends, the threat of losing my job MORE than I fear standing before God without the grace of Jesus coving me.  The truth is, it is easy to be ashamed of Jesus.  It is much easier to go along to get along, to please people and say what they want to hear spiritually, to overlook sinful behavior or to say away from people who others laugh at because they talk so much about Jesus.             

            E.  Paul doesn’t simply diagnose a spiritual problem or potential problem for Timothy.  Paul lays before Timothy the reason why to NOT be ashamed.  It’s that reason I want us to hear and to take into our lives today.


I.  Hear The Call

            A.  READ 2 Tim. 1:8-9a.  I want to camp on a few words in this opening.  God “saved us and called us to a holy calling/life.”  I don’t need to be ashamed of something for which I needed and am thankful.  I will lay out the facts to anyone who wants to hear, “I am a sinner in need of a savior.”  I had a sin problem that I could not fix.  I could say, “I’m sorry” all day long but that didn’t negate the sin I did.  No amount of good words, works, or any amount of serving others could fix my sin. 

            B.  The first part of the testimony of Jesus is that he came to save us from ourselves.  I am so thankful for the cross of Christ.  I hurt because of my sin, but I rejoice that he took my sin – past, present, future – and obliterated it at the cross.  He did the very thing I could not do. 

            C.  The second part of the testimony of Jesus is that he called us to live a holy life.  He didn’t pick me up out of the mire of sin only for me to wallow back into it.  He called me.  The first thing Jesus did was to invite me into a new way of living and a new way of thinking.  He called me.  He called me leave behind my old life and to take up a new one.  He called me.  He called me to live a holy life. 

            D.  If my life isn’t changing to look more like the teachings of Jesus than I missed the calling.  I love what Paul says in 2 Cor. 3:12-13, 16-18.  I want to live an unveiled life.  An unveiled life is one that is being transformed in the image of Jesus.  I am not ashamed because Jesus saved me and called me and called me into a holy way of living.


II.  Grace Extended

            A.  Now Paul gives us the gospel in a nutshell.  I love these next words; listen to rest of verse 9-10.

            B.  Don’t you love that opening?  NOT because of our works.  Jesus didn’t save and call me because what I can do, but because of who I am.  I am precious in the sight of the Lord.  It is God who purposed before creation to call me and he did so by grace alone.  Do I respond to that grace?  Yes.  But it grace that has been extended to me.

            C. As I stated, Jesus abolished death and brought life and that message is brought to light for world when we tell the gospel story.    Let me reiterate something.  You are loved, desired, and called because God wants you to be with him forever.  Your value is not based upon your ability to do something for God, but the grace God gives freely to you.

            D.  When people feel they don’t need Jesus I feel sorry for them.  They don’t know what they are missing by turning down the calling to live connected to God through Jesus.  They get caught up in the rules and forget about reward.  Jesus abolished death and brought life.  I will take life over death every time, especially eternal life.


III.  An Unashamed Apostle

            A.  Paul finished his thought with these words (READ 2 Tim. 1:11).  Paul was a preacher (a herald of the gospel).  He was an apostle (one who was sent on a mission with the authority of the sender).  And he was a teacher (one who imparts knowledge about how to live what he preached).  Paul knew that was the reason he suffered in this life.

            B.  Paul could have had an easy life, probably a life of power and prestige, but Jesus took hold of Paul on the road to Damascus and let him see a new calling.  When Paul tells his story to fellow Jews in Jerusalem who are angry with his ministry, Paul remembers what Ananias said to him.  “And now why do you wait?  Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)

            C.  Then we come to the words that have become a song we sing.  READ 2 Tim. 1:12.  There is debate over the ending. Is it what Paul entrusts to Jesus or what Jesus has entrusted to Paul – the language doesn’t give an answer.  Either way, Paul is not ashamed to be this preaching, apostolic teacher that is in prison, because he knows Jesus is the greatest keeper of the greatest deposit. 



            A.  You are here today because you are a part of the people who are not ashamed to be called a Christian.  You are here because you have taken hold of that for which Christ took hold of you.  You are here because you are convinced that Jesus can keep you secure in him.  Thank you for being a part of the fellowship of the unashamed.  If we can encourage your faith or help in your Christian walk, then come as we stand and sing.


Because of Jesus,

Jeffrey Dillinger, minister