Pray Like Jesus

Matt 6:9-13

9 Pray then like this: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread,12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Why Pray?

 (Luke 6:12-16) 


            A.  I have read that the Bible records the words to 222 specific prayers, actual worded prayers, not simply a phrase that someone prayed.  That’s a lot of actual prayers.  Of those 176 are found in the OT and 46 in the NT.  The Gospels record 17 specific occasion when Jesus prayed (but we don’t get the words in each occasion).

            B.  Jesus prayed at different times of the day and in different places.  He prayed in front of people and in private.  But the big question is why did Jesus pray?  Since Jesus was God in the flesh, why would he pray?  I understand why he would teach us to pray, but why would God in the flesh seek out times to pray?  Jesus prayed often and consistently. 


I.  Jesus Prayed and Taught Prayer

            A.  The most famous prayer we have recorded of Jesus is what is often called “The Lord’s Prayer.”  That prayer that we said together as a congregation is given to us twice in the gospels, and I personally think they are two different occasions.  So it’s a model of praying that Jesus used as a teaching method. 

            B.  READ Luke 11:1.  About 2 years ago I taught this passage and mentioned how the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray.  They didn’t ask how to do miracles, how to understand the Holy Spirit in their lives or how to teach like he taught.  They wanted to know about prayer because Jesus was a man of prayer and so was John the Baptist.  If two very godly men had prayer as central to their everyday life, they it must have great significance to ones relationship with the Father.

            C. The earthly ministry of Jesus stared after his baptism when he went into the desert and fasted for 40 days.  Think about this, fasting is generally linked with prayer when the purpose is to connect to the Father.  Jesus wanted time with God before he started teaching and doing the ministry he came to do. 

            D.  READ Luke 6:12-13.  Before Jesus appointed who was going to be the chosen apostles, the ones who would be empowered in a special way, he spent the night in prayer.

            E.  When Jesus entered Jerusalem that final week, we read how he drove out those who were selling at the temple and quoted scripture which said, “My house shall be a house of prayer.” Why center on the temple as a place of prayer instead of a place of sacrifice?  I don’t know, but I know Jesus saw connecting to God in prayer as vital for anyone and the Temple was a place where they saw the presence of God.

            F.  The night before he would go to the cross Jesus told Peter that he prayed for him, that his faith would not fail him.  Later that night we get to look into the heart of Jesus recorded for us in John 17.  It opens with Jesus turning the father as he seeks to glorify God in what is about to happen.  Then he prays for his disciples who would have to go on without him physically.  Then, in the garden, when Jesus is in anguish, he prays three times to the Father.  That is a lot of praying in a 24 hour period. 

            G.  For Jesus, prayers was not a monologue, but an expression of relationship where he expected the Father to respond in some form or fashion. 


II. My Journey Into Listening To God Speak

            A.  I will tell you that I don’t hear the voice of God audibly.  I will share with you that I don’t always know God’s will in all situations, even when I ask Him to reveal his will.  I will be honest with you to tell you that prayer sometimes causes me to feel hindered spiritually, because I don’t understand God’s voice or why God is letting something happen.  In those times, I have seen my prayer life slow down, not stop, but become more about things I am not really seeking God to be a part of.  Things in which I take control, or just thank Him for what I have – a meal, friends, financial livelihood.  In those times I am not actively seeking God, connecting to God or desiring to hear from God, they are simply monologues to God.

            B.  I don’t believe I am alone when I tell you that I have treated and believed that prayer is a monologue.  I talk to God, share heartfelt thanks, and even make requests, but it’s really about me talking to God.

            C.  Have you ever experienced prayer as a dialogue?  I reflect upon passage like when Jesus is speaking in John 10 and says, “My sheep know my voice and I know them and they follow me” (John 10:27).  But in John 10, Jesus makes it clear that there are other voices that sheep can hear and they can distinguish between the voice of the shepherd and the voice of a stranger.  Prayer is more than a monologue where I tell God things, but a chance for me to experience God leading me.  For me, seeing God at work in my life is powerful.  When my spirit connects with the Holy Spirit it helps me to find peace, direction and wisdom in my life, I am experiencing God. For me, prayer has become a time to experience and listen to God. It’s the “gentle whisper”.

            D.  Prayer is the basis of my faith.  If I cannot pray expectation God to hear, and then direct or interact in some way, then what’s the purpose of prayer?

            E.  Let me ask you to study people who you believe have a strong relationship with God and walk in ways that honor Jesus. How many of those people at least talk about the importance of prayer in their life?  You may not always see them praying, but they at least help you know that they believe prayer is part of how they hear God’s voice leading them.  I will tell you I am always spiritually stronger when I connect with God through depth of prayer and study of scripture.  Those two spiritual disciplines are tied together for me to walk in pathway of righteousness.



            A.  Jesus found prayer to central to his earthly ministry.  His disciples saw that Jesus taught them to become people of prayer.  Now, we as disciples need to look at our life and see how important prayer is to our spiritual walk and understanding of God’s will.

            B. Before we close, I would like to lead us in a prayer.  For a brief moment I will say nothing so that you and I can clear out the mess in our head and enter behind the curtain.  Let us pray.

            C.  Gentle Shepherd come and lead us
For we need you to help us find our way.
Gentle Shepherd come and feed us
For we need your strength from day to day.

There's no other we can turn to
Who can help us face another day.

Gentle Shepherd come and lead us
For we need to you to help us find our way.  (Bill Gaither)

            D.  As we become more like Jesus, we will find why prayer is central to our Christian walk.  If you are with us today and in need of our prayers to surround you, please come forward as we stand and sing.

 Because of Him,

Jeffrey Dillinger