Sometimes “maybe” is all I have. Finding faith when I am in pain, when my world is crumbling, when I don’t understand is difficult. Lord, I believe, help me overcome my unbelief.”
Read MoreCOVID-19 has kept church building doors closed. Are you feeling spiritually isolated? Let God’s words speak to your heart and mind. You are loved, missed and desired. The church is still strong and united.
Read MoreYou are a walking advertisement. Who approves you as an ad?
Read MoreFear can breed cowardness. Paul calls upon Timothy to not be ashamed. But what does that mean? Paul tells Timothy why he is not ashamed – it’s because of what he knows.
Read MorePaul reminded Timothy not only of his spiritual heritage, but to live in the power, love and self-disciple that comes from God.
Read MoreLoving a fellow Christian is not always easy. To love your enemy is a calling many Christians want to find a way to not do. What does Jesus mean when calling to be perfect is seen in loving your enemy?
Read MoreHow do Christians love each other? When you think about the church as a family, Paul helps us to see how important love is when lived sincerely.
Read MoreIn this great passage about husbands and wives is seen the continual imagery of Christ and the Church. Love is the center theme of both marriage and the connection between Christ and the church.
Read MoreMany people look at the verses 4-7 as the definition of love. While it does help us to define love, if we fail to see the importance of love we can use this as a list to judge others. Why is love so important?
Read MorePeter, like Paul, makes a list for Christians to grow in. One of the words Peter uses is the same –goodness or praiseworthy. Don’t just think about what is worthy of praise, look for it in others and see it in your own life.
Read MorePaul continues to challenge the inventory of our mind by telling us to think about that which is pure, lovely and commendable. When we center on the good, it changes how we live.
Read MoreThe first two things we are reminded by God to think on are that which is true and honorable. God’s list will change your life, if you put it into practice. God’s inventory list helps to change from the inside out.
Read MoreThe New Year has begun and God’s Word will help us see how He can take the chaos of life and bring peace to guard our hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.
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